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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

DEBATE-- invitation-- Alcor board

January 22 2008 at 8:03 PM david pizer (Login davidpizer)
Veteran Member
To: The Alcor Board
Copies to: Cryonet, Alcor United, Cold Filter and other cryoncists.


For the past few months or so I have been trying to engage Alcor Board members in a discussion, or debate, on ways to make Alcor better. I have had some private exchanges with some Board members and exchanges from lots of regular cryoncists. There have been posts if the cryonics forums indicating much interest in this subject. In order to localize this discussion, some cryonicists have asked me to challenge the Alcor Board to a formal debate.

At this time, I would like to challenge Alcor to a formal debate on:
1. The current condition of Alcor.
2. Why Alcor is as it is now.
3. What things can be done to make Alcor as good as it can be.

I have sent this message to Alcor and copies the cryoncs forums. I hope Alcor will reply either way in these forums as soon as possible. Alcor Board, if you agree to the debate idea in principle, please affirm and then let me know what mutual rules you want in place.

Some of the Rules I suggest might be:

1. Anyone can post new messages, or a reply to any other messages, in the debate.
They have to say in the beginning who they are speaking for.
(they have to say who they are speaking for, for instance for an organization or themselves)

2. I would like this debate to take place on a neutral forum like Cryonet.

3. All posts from any parties must be respectable of standards of Cryonet and show as much common courtesy as the subject may allow.

Please let me know as soon as possible.


David Pizer
Alcor Director, Vice President, CFO - all retired, speaking for myself.

1 comment:

Rick Potvin said...

What is CFO-- all retired-- refer to ?

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